Tuesday, October 10, 2006

went to the movies with an old buddy today and it was nice, well almost but the movie was awesome. someday i will grow some balls and go to the movies alone instead of being uncomfortable cuz the person next to you has had a thing for you for 5 years and just doesn't get the concept of friendship. then again, i hope to higher power that i am not that person to someone else. i just wanted to go chill see a movie and have some coffee. is that so much to ask for?

anywho, on to this movie... i have the hots for gael garcia bernal, and since i hardly ever watch the zombie tube (tv) i didn't know that he was in The Science of Sleep (nore have i heard of the film). it was a crazy movie that made me think my insane dreams aren't so bad after all.

gael's character can't distinguish between his dreams and reality and a whole bunch of craziness goes on in the film (go watch it). i have been on a french film kick the past couple of days (amelie and love me if you dare) and this movie fit right in. its 1/2 french 1/2 english and a sprinkle of spanish. i had a blast with the subtitles and the insane dreams.

so this brings me to my thought of the night: when do you draw the line between dreams and reality and is there such a line? why can't our dreams be real and reality be a dream?

i lauhged at the child like nature of gael's character.... it was a good 2 hrs well spent

i have had a series of insane dreams and i'm about to go to sleep to see if i have anymore...

sometimes i hate being a girl but hey i was made this way for a reason...
tomorrow i might spend the day daydreaming.... lolol


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