Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Levels of attraction:

Sometimes you know you like some one the minute you meet them and sometimes it takes a while. You can meet some one and think that they are the hottest thing but then see that he is a major ass hole or you can think the person looks like an old potato sack and fall in love with them.

Its interesting to see how things change a person's perception about some one. Sometimes, its not even about how cute or unattractive the person is. Example, I met someone who has a heart of gold and is willing to make me a really happy chick. Takes me out, tells me nice things, is super respectful, thoughtful, polite, well dressed, good career, opens doors etc etc etc.... BUT for some reason I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo not attracted to him. He is really funny and great to hang out with but I have realized, that after a few dates, that if I haven't had the urge to kiss him that I don't think I ever will.

I mean he's is a great catch for a girl looking for all that jazz. But he is just tooo nice. I don't know why females, myself included, go for the guy who isn't giving them the time of day, day dream about the moment that he will sweep her off her feet and make her "happy." They take the nice guy and put him on a block of ice. Poor, poor nice guy. I am about to put the nice guy on the shelf. Honestly I tried to like the nice guy, it just hasn't worked out that way.

I guess I'm hung up on the nice guy who is less nice then the above mentioned and I can actually argue with, but the nice guy is tooo busy for me. He is occupied doing other things and has no time to think or decide what to do with me.

You can't tell a busy person that you are "too busy" because where there is a will there is away. I am a super busy person but I find myself trying to make time for certain people. If you really want to do something then, you will make time to do it. I am obviously not that important to make time for so I must carry on.


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