Thursday, November 09, 2006

Its funny to know how others see you .... lolol.... I'm the staff spotlight

no messages for a while.... refocusing

Ich liebe Dich Auf Wiedersehen. Sprechen Sie mit Ihnen im Dezember

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Levels of attraction:

Sometimes you know you like some one the minute you meet them and sometimes it takes a while. You can meet some one and think that they are the hottest thing but then see that he is a major ass hole or you can think the person looks like an old potato sack and fall in love with them.

Its interesting to see how things change a person's perception about some one. Sometimes, its not even about how cute or unattractive the person is. Example, I met someone who has a heart of gold and is willing to make me a really happy chick. Takes me out, tells me nice things, is super respectful, thoughtful, polite, well dressed, good career, opens doors etc etc etc.... BUT for some reason I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo not attracted to him. He is really funny and great to hang out with but I have realized, that after a few dates, that if I haven't had the urge to kiss him that I don't think I ever will.

I mean he's is a great catch for a girl looking for all that jazz. But he is just tooo nice. I don't know why females, myself included, go for the guy who isn't giving them the time of day, day dream about the moment that he will sweep her off her feet and make her "happy." They take the nice guy and put him on a block of ice. Poor, poor nice guy. I am about to put the nice guy on the shelf. Honestly I tried to like the nice guy, it just hasn't worked out that way.

I guess I'm hung up on the nice guy who is less nice then the above mentioned and I can actually argue with, but the nice guy is tooo busy for me. He is occupied doing other things and has no time to think or decide what to do with me.

You can't tell a busy person that you are "too busy" because where there is a will there is away. I am a super busy person but I find myself trying to make time for certain people. If you really want to do something then, you will make time to do it. I am obviously not that important to make time for so I must carry on.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Today's Horoscope:

Today you're likely to wake up feeling energetic, enthusiastic, optimistic, and VERY happy, TINK. You may not be able to trace these emotions to anything logical, but don't even try. Just make the most of what's happening and use that energy to create your life the way you want it. You might feel as if you could move mountains, but perhaps for now you'd better concentrate on the molehills. Be conservative for now, and then tackle the mountains later!

.....This is a bunch of shyt... I woke up feeling like a mountain got dropped on my head... Ugh I hope I'm not getting sick.

I have no computer because something blew up so I have to sit in my boss' office today. Thanks for being "out sick" today!

So I'm sitting in the big man's chair and it's werid. Few reason's why:

  1. I have my back to the door
  2. It's not my office
  3. There are pictures everywhere which makes me was to stare
  4. I miss my messy desk

#s 1 & 3 are probably the most distracting. I like to see who comes into my office before they are actually in it so that’s why I like to face the door. I feel like I'm far far away from everyone over here. I have seen his picture a trillion times but since they are directly in front of me I keep staring and noticing things.

Observation 1: I didn't realize my boss got married in November. His 7-year anniversary is coming up soon. Wow that's a long ass time to be married but at the same time it isn't. My parents are still together and have been for like ever but I bet if my mother wasn't so conservative they would have gotten a divorce before my baby sister was born. She saved their marriage in a way. I think it helps that instead of arguing with each other, they now have my other sister living at home to argue with .... O the joys of children... but back to my boss - Thinking of him being married that long makes me wonder if I'm capable of doing it. Who knows what the future will bring.

This weekend I was able to witness this dude propose to his girlfriend at the end of the play "The Wedding Singer" and I thought it was the corniest thing I have ever seen (the proposal I mean, the play was great). This guy gets up on stage at the end of the finally and bring the poor girl up on stage and you could tell she was super embarrassed. She was beet red and was covering her face. He asked her 2 questions one was obviously the "will you marry me" blah blah but the one he asked before that was "Does your mother really love me?" Now I think that is something he should have known beforehand and shouldn't have even asked. If he was trying to be funny, it sure as hell didn't work. Poor girl looked like she said yes because she was in front of a thousand strangers and didn't want to embarrass her self more.

I hope to God that never happens to me. The idea of a public proposal is soooo lame.

I think I will ask my boss how he asked his wife. I never asked my mom how my dad asked her; I think I'll do that too.

Monday, November 06, 2006

I ate ice cream for dinner. Coconut cream pie from coldstone. It was good at the moment, but I'm paying formit now. OUCH... my tummy hurts...

I wanted ice cream so I ate it... I should have gotten real food but o well. We shouldn't always do what we want.

Learning to say NO to myself

Saturday, November 04, 2006

True religion is the life we lead, not the creed we profess.-- Louis Nizer (1902-1994) American Lawyer

Thursday, November 02, 2006

So now I am strongly thinking about getting rid of my myspace page. I know you're asking me "Why and are you really sure this time Tink??"

I'll tell you why damnit! I hate how people send me messages thinking I'm some kind of floozy! Ugh! My ex-boyfriend the bastard who made me more unstable then I needed to be during my young developmental stages sent me a message.

He thought that by inviting me to dinner that he would think I thought he was cute.... OOOK we broke up 8 years ago and I couldn't think of anything more nauseating then going back to his sad excuse for a man.

Now we tried to be friends and have hung out on a few occasions over the years because I wanted to burry the hatchet and move on with life, but this ass munch doesn't seem to understand the concept of friendship. He is always hitting on me right when I think that we are actually on the path to being "friends." Granted most of my friends who have heard about him would like to see him run over by a bus, I wanted to "turn the other cheek."

So we spoke the other day and agreed to meet for dinner (which I planned to do my usual and not show up or answer my phone) but instead he "stands me up"... Little did he know I was already doing something else but this is the message he sends me on myspace:

"Just wanted to say that I am sorry for this past weekend but the capoeira event was highly stressful and after the batizado, I was taking care of the guests that came in from abroad....hopefully we can make a rain check??? gotta run...bye sweetie mmmmuuuaaahhhh.... John "

I am not your sweetie and don't blow me Internet kisses... ILLLLLL excuse my while I throw up...
Today I actually had work to do at work that I did on time! SO proud I know... I also took out the last 2 hours to be introduced to Dane Cook's comedy. He is a funny dude and because of him I was able to bond with my cheerleader co-worker. Next thing you know I just might let her take me to one of those TECHNO clubs in Long Island (ok that's a long shot). But any who, I had a good laugh with her and it was cute.

I need to put a firecracker up my ass and get to work on this business plan. Who knows, maybe I will open up a boutique for short women, so I can quit my job and possibly stop being a workaholic.... hmm maybe I'm dreaming too big again

I always wonder what goes through other peoples heads when they ask you questions. Like what do you really mean to say or what do you really want to know???

I know that when I think of some crazy shit to ask some one I'm doing it because there was a string of other thoughts that lead to me wondering about whatever I ask. I mean the shit doesn't come out of thin air.

So when I ask, "where did that question come from," and the response I get is "from no where," it forces me to wonder what the person is really trying to get at or tell me...

Maybe its just me and my over thinking nature...
I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do.-- Helen Keller (1880-1968) American Writer

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I am such a bum. I hate grad-school. I don't want to do anything and I am tired.

I am currently sitting in my office procrastinating and trying to find every excuse not to do my schoolwork. I only have 2 weekends of class left for this semester and I hate it!

OMG School sucks. I wish I had enough money to pay off my loans, and not have to get a masters to get ahead. I just need 40,000... I am taking donations.... Thank the Lord this program is not costing me too much except my soul and my social life, but nobody needs those things anyway

A love relationship that may have in the past been based primarily on intellectual interests may take a sudden turn towards passionate romance. If you aren't careful, TINK, this could turn into an obsession! Relax and enjoy it, but be aware that you must accept your partner as he is - warts and all! There are indications of possible changes in your life - either on a personal level, or perhaps new business opportunities.

I wonder sometimes about horoscopes.....
Sometime I don't understand why people make certain choices. Something’s look so simple yet are handle in the worse way. People know exactly when they are fucking up and sticking their foot in their mouth.

Ugh I'm angry at a lot of things and I have so much to discuss but its 3:30 am and I am trying not to be mad about things.

I see the bigger picture and there are many components to take into account for but certain situations just piss me the hell off.

I need a new job sometimes.